The Girl on The Train: Book Review

The Girl on The Train, score 3.5

Recommended for those who like suspenseful murder mysteries with a frightening twist. This novel tells the intense story of 3 well written, believably selfish & totally screwed up women.

While this is creepier than Gone Girl, it’s not quite as good. So ignore the hype & lower your expectations and you will probably enjoy this page turner!

However if you’re more of a cynic (like me) then read on;

I personally found this novel to be dull, slow paced, easily predictable & really not that interesting.

Also all the male characters feel forced, unrealistic & unexplained. I mean really…. all the men in this book are portrayed as villainous and acting impulsive and irrational, treating others unfairly with little explanation as to why. And yet the women are written to be flawed, self absorbed assholes, and yet their behavior is constantly explained pr justified. That really irritated me.

I will admit the twist at the end, was surprising, thrilling and frightening, but is it really worth it to read a book where the 2/3rds of it are tediously boring, just for a shocking twist and hurried explanation at the end?




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