Category Archives: Poetry and Creative Writing For Those Who Dream

Just linger for a moment and let your self dream and imagine with me.
This is where I post my abstract thoughts, confessional poetry and abstract musings set to music.
This is for those who dream.
Because those who dream, must create.
Be it art, music, ideas or writing. Express your imagination.
So play the videos while you read and keep your head in the clouds. Keep creating and most of all keep dreaming.

Little Lamb

Wrote this a few years ago, thought I would share it…

I am, a little lost lamb..

Alas, I am the lamb, you spoke of…..

the one continually drifting wayward.

I am the one, for whom you faithfully leave the herd.


You leave them all to find this lamb,

and guide me home, by your hand.

Yes I am the lamb you spoke of…

The one who always goes astray

A little lamb foolish and small, determined to go her own way.

Tho the shepherd may break my legs to confine

 His embrace restores me every time.


Again, i am the lamb you spoke of….

For once again I find myself lost,

lured just like a child, I have wandered far off.

I am caught in a trap set just for me.

“I am just a little lost lamb”, I say as I weep.





Softly he says

“tho you’ve gone astray,

Just turn to me, I’ll lead the way

Little lost lamb, a small task i give you

Just follow behind me, do as i do.

Submit to me, you’re servant I’m master

Trust that I won’t lead you to the slaughter.

Trust me because YOU ARE MY OWN

I am your faithful one, I AM YOUR HOME

ignore the world, ignore religion

Trust I’m the beginning and the ending.

And when when you feel like I am distant

because we have been walking silent…

Hold tight to my words, PRESS ON!

Walk where I walk, my precious one.

Do not move to the right or the left,

for I alone know where to step.

If I don’t look, don’t look that way,

Only say the things I say.

Follow me little lamb, draw near

Do as I do, and have no fear.

Little Lamb, I am your shepherd


Now when you come across lost sheep

You above all else must tell of me.

Tell of my love, tell of my freedom

Proclaim the forgiveness found in Jesus!”


I am the little Lamb you spoke of

unable to survive on her own.

easily lost, yet easily found and brought home

Happy am I to be this little lamb

For this little one, has the greatest shepherd in all the land.


John 10:11

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep


John 10:14

I am the Good shepherd. I know my own and my sheep know me.

On Fire

On Fire

Do you know what its like to have your heart set on fire?

Do you know what its like to have a loyal best friend who’s never left your side?

Do you know what its like to have love like an ocean surround you and pull you under?

Do you know what its like to have a God create your every cell, and plan a life for you to prosper?

Do you know what its like to be free from burdens and borders?

Do you know what its like to have joy overflow from your very core?

Do you know what its like to have life burst thru your dry bones?

Do you know what its like to have endless water fill your lonely  thirsty  soul?

Do you know what its like to be sure of your eternal destination?

Do you know what its like to have sin forgotten and guilt silenced?

Do you know what its like to  have rest where once loved sorrow and sadness?

Do you know what its like to fully at peace and made whole by his molding hands ?

Do you know what its like to have a father longing for your voice, awaiting your embrace?

Do you know what its like to have a jealous protector willing to risk his life for yours?


Because he set my heart on fire! He has set my soul on fire!

My heart jumps for joy to say:

He has given me all my heart could desire!

He has given me all i ever could ask  for!

I will never be who i was, now that i know you!

Forever I’m thankful and I can’t wait to show you.

That I’m jumping and shouting, singing and dancing to lift your name higher,

because you have set my heart on fire! You have set this soul on fire!

Thank you father for your love and thank you for the cross,

Hallelujah, for you’ve set my heart on fire for Jesus!

What Has Been Seen

Since I often use creative writing as therapy, I sometimes find myself playing inspiring instrumental music to help me get writing. So, I wrote this based on an image I had one day while listening to my favorite instrumental album.

-Feel free to listen to the lovely music as you read.

I am cowering in a corner, broken, wounded and petrified.

Tired from fighting, I have nothing left, all I can do is hide away.

But than I  saw me in the midst of a battle, fallen soldiers and debris all surround.

I was dressed in thick armor but it wasn’t my own,
Then I saw strength emanating from within my belly pouring, soaring out through me. Filling my armor with strength making it impenetrable.
Creating a shield of protection around me that no one can penetrate.

Now I see myself concealed within an empty dark mountain.

“The dead are coming back to life.” I hear.
I see myself on the floor, instantly I am engulfed with diamonds of light embalming me.
Until all that is seen is bright blinding light, bursting forth from my entire being.

I see a butterfly fluttering over piano keys creating a lush melody.
I see this butterfly in the cave.
I see myself now standing on this mountain, the clouds part and the night sky fills with dazzling stars.
Bright, beautiful and overwhelming in their perfection,
Both beauty and magnitude, join hands.

The mountain rises up into the sky.

I rise and I rise.

I am in space among the stars,

I am dancing and shining bright with light and life.
I am clothed in a white flowing gown.
Light blasts out from within,

I reach my hand up and light streams forth spanning the vastness of space and time.
There is nowhere my light can not reach.

  There is nowhere my light can not reach.

I am a star, dancing in the heavens.

I am a star, dancing in the heavens…. I am home.

The Baggage and the Birdcage

Here’s an old poem I wrote years ago, during a season where I was learning how to love.

The Baggage and the Birdcage

I am a traveler gladly leaving my hometown,
Ready to live where ever this plane next hits the ground.
Carrying my only belongings; my baggage and my birdcage,
Inside my little birdie is safe and carefully tucked away.
Covered and locked in her cage she sleeps curled,
she’s far too precious to let loose in the cold dark world.
I quickly board the plane as the engine stars; it roars to life,
I wave good bye out the window, then see a stranger on my right.
I’ve noticed you travel with no bags; strangely your hands are empty,
Your eyes unusually hopeful, while your heart is open and ready.
Your smile is inviting, eyes innocent, as your voice soothes,
Slowly your hand stretches out to me, offering what is true.
Oh how I want to take your offer, and take that lovely hand!
How I long to move to you, without hesitation and just dance.
But the plane is lurching violently, as it leaps up from the ground
Turbulence hits; I squeeze my eyes shut, afraid to look around.
I wrap my arms around my birdcage, so desperate to protect,
Clutching tightly to my baggage, I’m braced for what may come next.
But the plane mellows out, so I again open my eyes..
To find your gaze still on me, beckoning me; arise!
Your eyes glitter with patience, your smile beams soft and gentle,
You offer me your hand once more, in a gesture that’s so simple.
My heart leaps to my chest, It longs to cry out “yes!”
But instead my eyes desperately search for a place to hide and rest.
Still holding my cage, I ache for a safe place to recover,
But still you smile at me and wait, so unlike any other.
Your gaze tells me tales of hope, of passion and make believe,
Tales of an adventure filled life, like we’ve always dreamed.
As you uncover your own heart, it clear you’re a charming prince
And I can’t help but be drawn in, for you’ve made such an imprint.
You even make my little bird flutter, chirp and tweet!
But it’s not quite safe yet, and I can’t bare to set her free.
As your understanding grin surrounds me like a magic carpet,
She rises up untangling herself, willing to leave her cage of hardness!
Now all I know for certain, is the ache to dance in your arms,
I decide to do what I’ve always feared and let her loose; my heart.
I put down my baggage and search for the key that’s inside,
The key I’ve long been guarding, buried and hidden from time.
With trembling fingers, I take my bird’s cage and turn the key,
The cage door flings open as she rushes to you; finally set free!
She soars with reckless abandon, as I rise to take your hand.
And there in the middle of the crowded plane, we begin to dance.
The struggle is over! My heart and head rest in the same place,
I think to myself, “I am content to be forever lost in your embrace.”

The Little Red Balloon

Here’s another poem I wrote a few years ago….

I saw a picture as I closed my eyes
A beautiful portrait of you and I.
You were just a boy, and I just a small girl,
two carefree children in a bright, hopeful world.
First I saw her as a hunched up child hiding in a corner,
in a dismal world with gray and dreary muffled borders.
Then I saw her rise in one swift movement
she sprung up from the ashes to pour out atonement.
She ran with all her strength into a new dimension,
she ran with her arms stretched out offering to him.
As she steps into this new world, colors change hearts shift,
the world is bright and lively and with color souls are lit.
She hands him a balloon red in color and emotion,
and offers it to him ensuring all that is in her is kept open.
She is offering him love pure and unadulterated,
She is offering him all she is, regardless of what’s expected.

I saw this picture of you and I as children in a park,
we had no pain no blemishes no scars upon our hearts.
I saw the life and hope spring up with joy anew,
I saw myself pour wholeheartedly and unreservedly ……. into you.

The Woods

Here is  a short fictional story, that I hope nobody takes it too seriously…  It’s based off a a dream I had a while ago.


I took a walk inside my woods one day,
Where goodness, calm and peace may be,
But lo and behold, along the way.
A horrendous sight rose to meet me.
I looked up and saw a monstrous beast,
“I must be lost, these aren’t my woods,” said I
For looming there high above, threatening me,
was a bestial  tree, that had come to life.

I stared in horror at it’s crooked back
Bent, disfigured, but still whole.
And as Its roar turned the sky to black,
I felt it stare right thru my soul.
I heard it whisper in deadly tones,
“I have come to collect my fee!
For you surrendered to me long ago!”
Then I felt it’s ferocious pull within me.
I stared, frozen, for it didn’t lie,
And then the tree spoke again with a cruel grin,
“For many years you’ve buried my roots inside,
And now I will master you and rule from within.”
Then the dark within me that I’d been hiding from,
Burst forth with power and inside began to bloom
At that moment, I knew that I finally succumbed,
As the evil overthrew me and became my doom.

Free Write With Music

So I was listening to the first two songs on my favorite instrumental soundtrack and I wrote this. I hope it is encouraging and inspiring to someone!
Click the link to play the music, while you read.
Also if anyone is wanting to write and doesn’t know where to start, play some of your favorite instrumental music and just write whatever the music makes you feel or imagine. That is what I did. Happy writing!!

Go ahead, play the song.


The earth is dark and empty, the wind howls a song through the forlorn sky,

She is despairing over the horrible emptiness and darkness….

But when the trees hear her sing, they come alive and join in the song.

Then the flowers blossom and sing along in a joyful harmony!

Even the clouds wake up and remember how to sing.

When they join in the chorus, their voices match the sound of a thousand angels.

Then with the gusto of trumpets, the sun bursts forth in all its glory chasing the darkness away.
2nd song:

Hopelessness and heartbreak hang in the air, there is nothing but the stench of death covering the land.

But Hope comes in subtly, gently. As if  unsure of her welcome.
She proceeds cautiously.

“Let me sing a song for you, little ones,” she whispers.

She sings a resurrection song, it’s calling those that were killed in battle to come back to life.

“Come, back. Come back. Wake up.

Come back to me, awake!”

Hope graces it wings to soar, and roars to life. “WAKE UP!” she shouts.

The greatest moment is coming, an army of life is arising.

And still she sings her heart out, as if our lives depend on it.

She will never die. Death has no place where Hope lives.

Still the sadness and sorrow of death is not chased away, it lingers on, its hold is strong.

But Hope can never be conquered, so she sings on.

On and on she marches, over the battle field, singing and dancing to her lovely,
and awakening song.

It’s soothing, balming, refreshing, surrounding and holding everything together in its rightful place.

Hope is holding everything together.

She soothes the senses with radiance and warmth.

And it’s working!
They are waking up!

Her song continues on, and says,

“Let Hope grow,

Here I am!

I am Hope!

Let Hope take root and grow!

Let it raise you from your death.

Let it sink into your skin,

Let its warmth absorb into your frozen, hollow soul.

Let a single ray of hope fall into your heart.

Never let it leave you.

Hold fast.

It’s far too precious.

Let it linger on,

let it anchor you down.

Just hold onto me tightly!”

She sings over the slain.

“And remember that Hope always wins the battle.

Hope always wins.”

Hope brings the heart back to life.

It breathes life , as hearts start beating once more!

Her song is calling,

calling you back to life.

“Awake, and live!

Be alive!

Hope has won!

The battle is over, Hope has WON!


My Short Story: Perspectives


Here’s a fun writing exercise: Write a short story from three different perspectives


I had been camped out, waiting patiently for 5 hours. I was smelly, grumpy, cold and exhausted. So I asked him how much longer I had to stay here, because I was just too jet-lagged to stay awake. But instead of responding he ignored me. And that was the last straw. I couldn’t take this anymore. I snapped.

“Why do you always ignore me!? It’s like you purposely tune me out or something! I can’t take it anymore! You are driving me crazy!! You never listen to me!! Here I am helping and waiting patiently with you. Because I’ve come all this way to the the other side of the world to go searching for the Loc Ness Monster with you. And you won’t even acknowledge me?! Why the hell do I even bother trying to help you?! This is so stupid.” I stood up from my crouched position, where we were having our stake out. “I’m not doing this anymore! I wanna go home!” And without waiting for a reply, I spun a round and stomped off. Desperate to get away from the lake and towards my sweet escape, the fluffy bed at the hotel. “I’ll be at the hotel!” I called over my shoulder. “Have fun searching for Nessie alone, with out my help!” I took the car keys and jammed them into the ignition, preparing to drive off in a fury, when my phone rang and I got a text.


I had been watching for 5 hours waiting, searching, hoping vainly that I might catch a glimpse of her. The famous Nessie. You see I had been studying her all year and had convinced my girlfriend to come along with me. We were both tired and and sleepy, but pure fascination held me in place. I had to see her, I just had to! I had come all this way and was determined to be the one to get Nessie on camera. I strained my eyes staring at the lake for so long, that everything was starting to blur. But I was lost in the mission. Nothing else mattered. I thought I heard a voice from far away, but It wasn’t close enough to distract me from this moment. And at this precise moment, my jaw gaped wide open. This was it. She had come! Everything else faded away. I stared on in disbelief. Could my tired eyes be fooling me? Suddenly the other she started yelling at me “Why the hell do I even bother trying to help you?! This is so stupid.” She ranted on as she stood up. But I couldn’t turn away, I was transfixed. In awe, the moment I had been waiting for. “I’ll be at the hotel” I heard her voice calling to me. That brought me back to myself. Suddenly it hit me, like a ton of bricks.”Oh no, I forgot to turn my camera on!” I fumbled with my camera and started videotaping what I was watching. “Wait, did she say something about leaving?” I wondered to myself. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket with my free hand, and quickly sent her a text.  “Come now. It’s here.”


It had been a long day. A perfect day really. I had just finished napping at home. My stomach growled with ferocity and I decided it was time to have dinner. “What to eat? What to eat” I pondered to myself. “Duck sounds good. Hmm, yes I think duck would be just right.” I decided to first go for a swim, after all the lake was quiet and still and perfect. I leisurely swam up and down the lake, until I saw some lovely little ducks. “How delightful”, I thought to myself. I breached the surface aiming for the ducks. And in one swift motion, I gulped them down. “How perfectly delicious!!” But my satisfaction did not last. Suddenly I felt uneasy, as if someone was watching me. Then I heard a shrill, angry sounding voice. “I’m not doing this anymore! I wanna go home!” The strangers voice cried. I turned and looked in the direction of the voice. It was that moment, that I realized my folly. “Oh how stupid I have been!!” I thrashed my tail in fury against the waves and then quickly dove down back into the water. Today had started out so perfect and so right, that it had lulled me into carlesness. “How could I have let myself be seen?! And by a boy with a camera no less! Oh, I am in so much trouble! Mom will be furious when she finds out!!”


Rabbit hole

Here is a poem I wrote inspired by this amazing song!


When you’ve gone down the rabbit hole,
And theres nothing left but to fall..
When your lost inside that tunnel,
Don’t you be afraid of it all.

When dirt fills your lungs,
there’s no more breath,
and you swear you hear the call of death.

You’ve fallen down the Rabbit hole, don’t know how you got there in the first place.

Wandering aimlessly, eyes wide shut, where can you go from here?

When you’re trapped inside the rabbit hole,
And there’s nothing left, but to crawl…
Death has followed you all the way down,
It calls out your name even now.

When your lost in the rabbits hole,
Just hold on longer still.
Just hold on a little longer still.

When air is gone,
you’ve taken your last breathe.
Wait for me,
coming from the other side of death.

When your body’s numbed itself to sleep,
Wait for me longer still.
When your hearts taken its last beating,
Wait, for me a little longer still.

I’m waiting for you on the other side of death,
Just wait for me a little longer still.

Little Firefly

Has anyone….
ever fallen in love?
Fallen in love
with falling in love?
Has anyone…
ever fallen for lOVE?
………… then this poem is for you 🙂


Sometimes nothing could truly matter more, than love.
Somedays nothing measures up, quite like love does.
Somehow your dying to be in love with someone
Somewhere perhaps they are waiting for you to come.

I’m filled with sweet sorrow of longing for love,
Thinking of the love once known, now gone.
Oh Love you are a beautiful glow, like a firefly
Ive been searching the meadows, the city’s, the sidelines,
To find you, to catch you and watch you light up my fingers,
To feel your warmth fill me, as  soothing beauty lingers.
with your wings I’ll take flight and I’ll never leave the sky
Then I’ll keep you in a jar, to hold dear all my life.
To follow you, as you lead me to brighter places….
Where once was dark, becomes colorful amazement!

BUT Finding you little firefly, is the hardest part
I’m lost in my dreams and don’t know where to start!
Life without light and color is my meaningless,
How can i find you, I don’t want to settle for less.
I want what is right, but I’m lost in directions
Pointing one way or another for any affections.
Yet you feel so close, as if I could grab you
My expectations crash, for I know I don’t have you.
Oh Love, life without you feels worthless
This hope believes you will bring me a purpose.
Bring a reason to awake, a reason to live
A reason to speak and reason to exist.
Love you define me, who am I? What can I do?
When will we embrace? i wont live till I’ve met you.

Looking for the love to keep and to hold
Looking for love both gentle and bold
Looking for a love protectively jealous for me,
Needing to stay by my side most definitely.
Willing to risk his life for me, in a moment,
Gentle, thoughtful, and always hoping.
Love transcending fallouts and old hurts,
Love steadily growing louder and deeper
Than the monotonous noise of self serving world
True love, if there really ever is such a word…
I am looking for you, searching for love still true.
because they promised me that one day i may find you.