Writing as Therapy

Writing doesn’t have to look like writing papers or doing homework, writing can be fun and stress relieving in a way that helps us unleash our creativity or structure our thoughts. And according to psychologists, writing can actually be very therapeutic, bring mental clarity, emotional stability, boost your immune system, reduce stress and help heal trauma.

In fact, one study discovered beneficial “health‐related effects of creative and expressive writing.” They even found evidence of a strong link between poetry and a better immune system. This particular study revolved around creative and expressive writing which resulted in “a good range of physiological and behavioral benefits.” Some examples of what their research uncovered  “include improvements in health and well‐being and enhanced levels of host defenses in immune system functioning. Other notable findings include reduced severity of symptoms in arthritis and asthma sufferers.” (Lowe, 2006)

So why not set aside some time to write? It’s a great way to relieve stress and is a great tool for practicing good self-care. You can journal about your day, you can write poetry to express your feelings, or you can focus on creative writing. Or if you’re like me and you sit down in front of a blank piece of paper and don’t know where to go from there, then try turning on some instrumental or inspiring music and free write, letting the music move and guide you. Either way, which ever type of writing you feel drawn towards, set aside some time where you won”t be interrupted and just let the words come out. And if you find that you’re still stumped, start by answering this question:

Why do you write?

Here’s what I wrote when in response to that question, my hope is that it inspires you to begin writing.

Why Write

I write to express what my mouth cannot say.

I write to envision a universe my eyes do not see.

I write to discover the extraordinary, my soul has yet to find.

I write to create what has yet to exist, in a world full of limitations.

I write to escape the prying eyes, so I can let loose my tongue.

I write to give birth to my wonderings and what ifs.

I write to expose the lies taught, the illogical presumptions of society.

I write to unfold the revelations my mind cannot contain.

I write because I live,

because I dream,

because I wonder,

because I exist.

I write because, I’m me. And that is enough.

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