The Little Red Balloon

Here’s another poem I wrote a few years ago….

I saw a picture as I closed my eyes
A beautiful portrait of you and I.
You were just a boy, and I just a small girl,
two carefree children in a bright, hopeful world.
First I saw her as a hunched up child hiding in a corner,
in a dismal world with gray and dreary muffled borders.
Then I saw her rise in one swift movement
she sprung up from the ashes to pour out atonement.
She ran with all her strength into a new dimension,
she ran with her arms stretched out offering to him.
As she steps into this new world, colors change hearts shift,
the world is bright and lively and with color souls are lit.
She hands him a balloon red in color and emotion,
and offers it to him ensuring all that is in her is kept open.
She is offering him love pure and unadulterated,
She is offering him all she is, regardless of what’s expected.

I saw this picture of you and I as children in a park,
we had no pain no blemishes no scars upon our hearts.
I saw the life and hope spring up with joy anew,
I saw myself pour wholeheartedly and unreservedly ……. into you.

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