Tag Archives: thoughtful blog

Enjoy ALL the things

It seems like our American society really values hard work. Now there is nothing wrong with pushing yourself to work hard. But what happens when our entire culture becomes obsessed with pushing ourselves and striving for more… I mean why does society expect us to work so hard just to buy everything that’s trending? We will end up working ourselves to death. Or we will feel guilty for taking breaks and wasting time. If you are like me, you expect yourself to always be productive, because that what our society seems to promote. But in other countries people do not live this way. In other counties they literally take the time to smell the roses. They take breaks and enjoy life, not because they’ve earned a break but because its a way of life. What if we made enjoying life our way of life? Does anyone on their death bed ever say they wish they worked more or had more stuff? No, they wish they spent it with their loved ones and followed their dreams. What if we changed our mindsets from always being productive, to taking the time to relax and enjoy life? Now I’m not saying quit your job, or encouraging laziness. I’m just saying don’t put off enjoying life until your old, because we are not guaranteed tomorrow, all we have for certain is now. Slow down, spend more time with loved ones and work less. Or try going without all of the must have gadgets and technologies and find different ways to relax and enjoy life. Try getting off the phone or computer, away from the TV and doing something that is completely unproductive, impractical and a waste of time. Simply because you enjoy it!

Because the one thing you can never get back is your time. Instead of letting time fly by, challenge yourself to take the time for the simple pleasures. Don’t worry about trying to keep up with the Jones’s. In the end you will be glad you set the time aside to enjoy not just the little things, but ALL the things.