Tag Archives: scotland

My Short Story: Perspectives


Here’s a fun writing exercise: Write a short story from three different perspectives


I had been camped out, waiting patiently for 5 hours. I was smelly, grumpy, cold and exhausted. So I asked him how much longer I had to stay here, because I was just too jet-lagged to stay awake. But instead of responding he ignored me. And that was the last straw. I couldn’t take this anymore. I snapped.

“Why do you always ignore me!? It’s like you purposely tune me out or something! I can’t take it anymore! You are driving me crazy!! You never listen to me!! Here I am helping and waiting patiently with you. Because I’ve come all this way to the the other side of the world to go searching for the Loc Ness Monster with you. And you won’t even acknowledge me?! Why the hell do I even bother trying to help you?! This is so stupid.” I stood up from my crouched position, where we were having our stake out. “I’m not doing this anymore! I wanna go home!” And without waiting for a reply, I spun a round and stomped off. Desperate to get away from the lake and towards my sweet escape, the fluffy bed at the hotel. “I’ll be at the hotel!” I called over my shoulder. “Have fun searching for Nessie alone, with out my help!” I took the car keys and jammed them into the ignition, preparing to drive off in a fury, when my phone rang and I got a text.


I had been watching for 5 hours waiting, searching, hoping vainly that I might catch a glimpse of her. The famous Nessie. You see I had been studying her all year and had convinced my girlfriend to come along with me. We were both tired and and sleepy, but pure fascination held me in place. I had to see her, I just had to! I had come all this way and was determined to be the one to get Nessie on camera. I strained my eyes staring at the lake for so long, that everything was starting to blur. But I was lost in the mission. Nothing else mattered. I thought I heard a voice from far away, but It wasn’t close enough to distract me from this moment. And at this precise moment, my jaw gaped wide open. This was it. She had come! Everything else faded away. I stared on in disbelief. Could my tired eyes be fooling me? Suddenly the other she started yelling at me “Why the hell do I even bother trying to help you?! This is so stupid.” She ranted on as she stood up. But I couldn’t turn away, I was transfixed. In awe, the moment I had been waiting for. “I’ll be at the hotel” I heard her voice calling to me. That brought me back to myself. Suddenly it hit me, like a ton of bricks.”Oh no, I forgot to turn my camera on!” I fumbled with my camera and started videotaping what I was watching. “Wait, did she say something about leaving?” I wondered to myself. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket with my free hand, and quickly sent her a text.  “Come now. It’s here.”


It had been a long day. A perfect day really. I had just finished napping at home. My stomach growled with ferocity and I decided it was time to have dinner. “What to eat? What to eat” I pondered to myself. “Duck sounds good. Hmm, yes I think duck would be just right.” I decided to first go for a swim, after all the lake was quiet and still and perfect. I leisurely swam up and down the lake, until I saw some lovely little ducks. “How delightful”, I thought to myself. I breached the surface aiming for the ducks. And in one swift motion, I gulped them down. “How perfectly delicious!!” But my satisfaction did not last. Suddenly I felt uneasy, as if someone was watching me. Then I heard a shrill, angry sounding voice. “I’m not doing this anymore! I wanna go home!” The strangers voice cried. I turned and looked in the direction of the voice. It was that moment, that I realized my folly. “Oh how stupid I have been!!” I thrashed my tail in fury against the waves and then quickly dove down back into the water. Today had started out so perfect and so right, that it had lulled me into carlesness. “How could I have let myself be seen?! And by a boy with a camera no less! Oh, I am in so much trouble! Mom will be furious when she finds out!!”